I am sure your medicine cabinet is full right? Tylenol, band-aids, common things to cure what ales you. I actually don't have anything in medicine cabinet, but rest assured I have black safety pins and hem glue in a tool box in my closet. Just think of a styling kit as important as your "first aid kit" for your fashion disasters. Get a large pencil box, put these items in it, and keep it in your closet.
TOP 10
1. Needles and assorted threat colors: This is the most important thing to keep in your kit.
2. Safety pins in assorted sizes: In case you don't have time to sew on a button and need a quick fix.
3. Top Stick: This is wig tape (stylist's trick), you can get this at Sally's Beauty Supply and nothing else beats its stickiness, NOTHING! This is also useful to put on the back of a shoe strap that doesn't want to stay on your heel (sling backs).
4. Lint Roller: Very important for black fabric and wools.
5. Lint Shaver: For your winter sweaters that start to pill
6. Fabric glue: Good for gluing on embellishments that fall off. Do not use for hems, it will harm the fabric.
7. Stitch Witchery: This is for quick hems. It requires an iron, but is a strong hold for any fabric.
8. Dryer sheets: I prefer to use these for static. I find that Static Guard gets clogged easily, and the dryer sheets store easier for on the go.
9. Shout Wipes: Don't be confused, this will not take the stain out instantly but it does help to take the stain out permanently. I prefer these as opposed to the Tide stick because it dries out very quickly.
10. Piece of foam: The best way to get deodorant off of garments. Never use a wet washcloth, it could make it worse. There is also a product called "Miss Oops" made especially for this problem. But, for a cheaper option, you can find sponge at any craft store.
It would also be a good idea to find a shoe repair place near your home. I make frequent visits to mine every season to get taps replaced, suede boots cleaned, and leather polished. Find a dry cleaner that you trust, and remember that most of them do minor alterations. For major alterations, look up small independent seamstresses, they are cheaper.
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