Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Goal: Look Hotter than the Girl Next to You.

You have a lot of Christmas parties coming up, and tis the season to dress up more than usual. Don't go buy new clothes, we're in a recession after all. I usually tell my clients that each season, stick with the accessories that are in each season. Its much more affordable, and makes sense for those who just wanna be in style the easy way.
Here's a quick go to for a holiday party. Try a black turtleneck under a crisp white blouse. You can roll the sleeves up or just keep them down, either way is stylish. Then throw on any black or colored skirt you have. Could be pencil, bell, short, knee-length...the sky is the limit because its the accessories that are going to put the spin on this look. This is what you go buy: dot net pantyhose (just a black pantyhose with dots on them: think old school), and a feather brooch (J. Crew and Nordstroms have a million styles). Instant adorable-ness!
More accessories to purchase for holiday jazz: layers of gold chain necklaces, metallic nail polish, bangle bracelets galore, feathers for hair, lots of rhinestones and colored pantyhose.
The goal is to look hotter than the girl standing next to you. Wear red lipstick whenever possible, and always always wear high heels.

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